
Time plan for my game

Hello kids,
in my last post I mentioned that I joined Twitter (yes, you are welcome to follow me!). It is really inspiring place for me. Now I follow about 200 great people who are some connected to iphone games or iphone development. Following them for a few days gave me a lot. But it would be nice to get some feedback on my game development journey, so feel free to comment my articles. I want to know that you are there, folks!

People I am following made me think about my blog and posts I write here. I decided to be more concrete on my game and show you how can one old granny like me do her first iphone game. So I committed myself to write more posts about development of my game and here is the first of them - the time plan!

In one earlier post I mentioned the importance of the planning. It is essential for me and it was the first step that I undertook when I was thinking about developing own iphone game.

My time plan is set for 3 months from start to finish. From start where there's nothing to finish where there will be the iphone game. Look at my plan and inspire yourself. Now I am in the middle of week 6 and although I am little bit behind with actual work, a lot of things are done. I am pretty satisfied with my present progress! I did expect more development problems.

Enough for now! I have to go to feed my animals.

Bye kids,


1 komentář:

  1. Very nice game-plan. I recently made up something like this. I will probably have problems sticking to it, but it's nice to have something.

    Not sure if this is a concern for you, but if you want your game to be popular/successful, you should also budget time for promotion. I know some devs who basically just start promoting their games after they submit them, and then they have a week (or two at least, right now) to promote the game before it comes out. This is important. Then again after a game comes out, another week or two (or month or two!) is also a good idea. This would include submitting it for reviews (although that should happen before the game is released), writing a press release and submitting it as many places as you can, doing a gameplay video, generating buzz on forums and blogs, and generally talking up your game every opportunity you get.

    With my own game, I did none of these things, and I pretty much regret it.

    Good luck! Your blog is very inspirational!

